are you actually, oh.. negative?

the universe winks at you ;-)
you are!
I’ve got what I call my “O-Negative” theory of relationships.  It can apply to all types of relationships and friendships, but it’s especially about the one-on-ones. The luurve. πŸ˜‰

The theory applies to certain people.

While I’ve been seeing folks in person this spring for readings at the Festival, it’s been coming up for a lot of dear souls.  And not in an “I have a hammer so everything is a nail” way  – more in an “oh, yes, that’s me, too!” way.

If you’re one, this may come as a relief or a revelation, or both.

Here’s how it goes:

People with the O-negative blood type are universal donors, so they can give to anyone.  And they can only receive back from other O-negatives.  You may already know this part.

Now, take the concept of relating – truly, deeply connecting with another being – and look at it through this lens.  (You can see where this is going.)  In this scenario, you’re the O-negative one, and if it applies to you, you likely knew it – felt it – instantly.

The other O-negatives out there may be further apart and fewer in number, but when there’s a match?  Yes.  It’s just the right one you need.  For them, too.

Others who may not be that particular match –  who may be an A, or B, or AB, or so forth – still have so many wonderful things to share back, and there is always the fulfillment of sharing something we have to give .. in lifting others we are lifted, too.

They get to be off the hook for not having a certain ‘something’ you require.  It really is just what it is.

And you get to be off the hook, too, for wondering why you could know so much and “get” people so well, and know yourself more every day, and still not – or very rarely – be met and seen right where you are, as you are.

You get to know that this elusive conundrum is not (never was) a certain ‘something’ you needed to figure out and get right, and just.. couldn’t.

Pretty cool, huh?

I see you, oh negative one ❀


{special thanks to Sheryl, who helped me articulate this by listening and reflecting back about it.  A lot. πŸ˜‰  }

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