special: email reading offering $20

Hi there, dear You!

Thank you for popping in to find out more about getting an Intuitive Card Reading via email, with your choice of written or audio recording, for $20.

Ace of Disks.These readings are single-topic / single-question layouts of 3 or 4 cards (Thoth deck.)  Before each reading I take a few moments to get cleared, centered and grounded, choose and lay out your cards, and focus directly on you and your question.  Your reading will have my complete and undivided attention, and you’ll receive insight and information in a form that allows you to use it to support you in your own best way, in your own time.  (Because these are single-question readings, yes, you can get more than one – As long as any additional readings are an entirely separate topic, we’re good!  For example: one could pertain to a specific business decision you’re contemplating, and another one could be about a personal relationship.)

First, a little about my how + why:

My personal philosophy on intuitive readings is to approach in a playful, curious and receptive state.  The cards are tools and messengers from Higher/Essential self (or selves – we’re talking about our personal Wisdom Council here 😉 ) and communicate on that level – which take into account the ego’s concerns and fears, without coming from them or being “in” them.  It’s assistance and support and insight for the part of ourselves living this human-here-on-earth experience, with all the blessings and trials that entails.
My express intent is to recognize and hold the vision of your true, knowing highest Self (your Source) – which is always present – and reflect that back to you.  This work is about supporting you in remembering who You are.

Getting little nudges and winks from the Universe to help that remembering is pretty helpful. And fun.

How getting an email reading works:

  • You’ll find a form below where you’ll provide your details – Name, email address*, date of birth –  and make your query.  Tips on asking good + effective questions can be found in the form.  Click “Submit” to get your info on its way to me, and then..
  • Click the “Purchase” button to be transported to a secure PayPal portal to make your payment.
  • When that’s done, you’ll land on a page with further information, including a little ritual to prepare you energetically + enhance the connection ahead of your reading.

What you’ll receive in your email:

  • a photo of your cards with accompanying notes of their titles + numbers (and key word, if applicable);
  • if you choose a recorded reading: a link and password to your audio file – you can listen online or download it;
  • if you choose a written reading: you’ll get the text right in the body of the email, as well as a printable .pdf version.

When you’ll get it:

  • I complete and send email readings within approximately 24-48 hours of receipt of  request + payment. (If I should anticipate it taking longer for any reason, I will email you promptly with an updated delivery time.)

Further questions?

  • Use the form to contact me with questions before ordering – just write “n/a”  (or “not yet”) in the Date of Birth and Query fields, and put your question in the Additional Info or Technical Help box.  I’ll get back to you quick as I can, usually within a couple hours.

~ Want to get a phone reading also (or instead?)  I’ve got a few spaces available for one-hour-plus phone readings at a current special price of $60.  Let me know you want that in the contact form, and I’ll get back to you with links and how-tos right away!


Quick tips on asking effective questions: You can choose an area of your life you’d like to focus on, (traditional ones include Love, Work/Career, Money flow, Family, Health, Home, Personal Journey.. you get the picture 😉 ) a specific relationship, a project that’s in progress, or a life change you’d like a broader, bird’s-eye view on, or ask for additional detail regarding a decision you’re making. Need more help forming your query? Say so in the Additional Info box below.


paypal button
Email reading $20

After you’ve submitted the form above, click this button to pay for your reading on a secure PayPal portal, and we’ll get things underway!  (You don’t have to have a PayPal account – there’s an option for doing a one-time credit card transaction, too.)


With much appreciation and gratitude ~ Kathleen 


 [* Your privacy is of the utmost importance to me, and I will never share your email address or personal information, or use them for any purpose other than to provide this service or to communicate with you about your order.  I will not retain your contact details for future communications  unless explicitly asked by you to do so.  I don’t like having that done to me, so I sure won’t do it to you.]